Zè, Dilma e Marina


(mais Aecio, no back office mineiro)


How Brazil became Iran’s (literal) sugar daddy http://bit.ly/civz4t alias

==>> http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/06/03/ahmadinejads_sugar_daddy

May 20


Presidente do TSE elogia aprovação do projeto Ficha Limpa: http://bit.ly/bWISK2

May 18: if this is anti-imperialism, I AM VERY PROUD 2B A PRO-AMERICAN SOCIALIST (in the operaista marxist Italian tradition…; although strictly speaking, you know this  -pedia is radically POST-socialist, and never anything to do with marxism: Simone Weil had already liquidated such a rubbish)


Some U.S. and European leaders said Monday that Turkey’s and Brazil’s actions could imperil Ankara’s effort to join the European Union and Brasilia’s hopes of becoming a permanent Security Council member. Both countries have emerged as key diplomatic allies of Iran, with which they have financial and energy ties.

Lula pro-ANaziNuclearjad: fuck off!

May 17: The Company of the Wolves

Here are the less qualified and most idiot enemies of Western civilization. From left: Brazilian FA Min. Celso Amorin, Lula... Photo Vahid Salemi \AP.

May 7

fb > 2010: Todos pela Ficha Limpa Você conhece o Alô Senado? Ligue para 0800 612211 e mande mensagens para os Senadores que você quiser e peça para eles apoiarem a Ficha Limpa! Experimente!!

May 6


@TheRealLula I see…Then, the Brazilian President was a fake!

Of course he isn’t fake, the friend  of so many friends of mine;  but his Ego has exploded to Infinity of the n-th order (not yet imploded: bubble ongoing; don’t approach him!). See

“Quem consegue trazer para o Brasil a Copa do Mundo e os Jogos Olímpicos elegerá Dilma com o pé nas costas. E a ela sucederá quatro anos depois”.

Fonte dessa Ego-bobagem (em 4 anos Aécio contra Lula? Vou gozar mesmo), doc:

http://osamigosdopresidentelula.blogspot.com/ que falam de marina aliada com a direita, como se ela tivesse alguma chance de ser aliada com a stuntwoman de Lula

May 5


Câmara adia para a próxima semana o fim da votação do projeto Ficha Limpa: http://bit.ly/abAomI

Zè tem STYLE


Vejam a maravilha que achei: o escritor Érico Verissimo lendo um trecho de O Tempo e o Vento, sua grande obra. http://migre.me/BV1U

May 2

rt_serra RT @espalhai: Serra e Marina têm origem humilde igual a Lula, já Dilma é de origem burguesa, filha de imigrante bú… http://bit.ly/a3gyTy

photo Edson Silva/Folha Imagem

Serra ontem em Ribeirao Preto, com chapèu de peão



RT @diariamente: Chico Buarque declara voto em Dilma, mas diz que não vê diferença com Serra: http://bit.ly/c4dmlX —   http://bit.ly/aNVGc8

April 27 funniest tweetie


RT @_HolySpirit_: RT @eagorabr: Lula mandou Dilma se recolher. Primeiro caso de “recall” de candidato na história … http://bit.ly/am4F5l

Una  piccola guida ad indirizzi su cui seguire la campagna elettorale delle Dirette Presidenziali (il sogno di Arcore),  tutt’altro che scontate. Partito con un vantaggio potenziale INFINITO, INSORMOTABILE (per  le politiche di sviluppo ed equità di esito ECCEZIONALE del suo 2° mandato, si pensi che NON C’E’ STATA CRIS IN BRASILE!!!), il PT di Lula arranca, e forse vincerà (se…) solo per le debolezze degli avversari. Il nostro cuore  non può che esser con Marina, la candidata verde terzaforzista che però non piglierà più di un pugno di voti (purtroppo).

Per ora una semplice (incompleta, ma ordinata e ben selezionata) LISTA DELLA SPESA:

Twelezioni BRASILTwitter.com

– o mais lindo lugar do pais (e do mundo?): JB, Lagoa, Rio > http://www.jbrj.gov.br/index.html
MY FRIENDZ: @politikaetc (raphael neves)  @flavio_as  (de sousa, SP)
1) @joseserra_  @rt_serra  @redePSDB   @amigosdoserra  \satira: @serra2010 @ZeSerra & http://serraescreve.blogspot.com/ @Stefania_Akel @mobilizapsdb PAGINA FB: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jose-Serra/124815588195
2) @dilmabr @dilmabrpt      @rt_dilma  @lulanews_  @osamigosdadilma @amigosdilma  @DilmaNews  @EuVotoDilma  @mulheresdilma  @GaleraDilma  @blogdilma2010 @Sejaditaverdade @SerraFail
lulistas >  @LulaNews_ @midia_golpista @zededao2010
3) marina serra > @silva_marina @acaradobrasil @Brasil_Indigena  @amazonianews @GreenpeaceBR
++ aecio neves (candidato 2014 se serra nao ganhar) > no facebook = http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000253693569
mail2: aecio.neves.da.cunha@gmail.com
0utros:  @datafolha (pesquisas, polls)  @garibaldifilho @VoteBrasil @PolitSind  @PolitPMDB @Boapolitica @forasarney @voteBrasil @freire_roberto @vicmos @Sen_Cristovam @marlonreis @LeiFichaLimpa @UDN_tofora @brasilsaude @O_VERDADEIRO_PT (www.escandalodomensalao.com.br o grande escandalo de Lula-1, ainda impunido: uma vergonha ABSOLUTA)

ficha limpa

CAMPANHA FICHA LIMPA (nao eligir comprometidos na Justiça)
Maria Rita (http://twitter.com/MROFICIAL), a cantora filha de Elis Regina, apoia:
@fichalimpa é o perfil oficial da Campanha Ficha Limpa no Twitter. Siga e convide todo mundo!! http://bit.ly/aodFjQ
Zero Hora: Nelson Motta faz música por Ficha Limpa http://bit.ly/9g0pzY
Gazeta do Povo: Democracia direta é rara no Brasil. Ficha Limpa é destaque. http://bit.ly/9VRCTe
@fichalimpa   Estadão: Revoltado, Nelson Motta compõe
“Hino da Ficha Limpa”; http://bit.ly/9xzmnP
Falta pouco para 2 milhões de assinaturas eletrônicas. Divulge o link e contribua para a meta ser alcançada até… http://bit.ly/cdS3zG
http://twitpic.com/1kbfs=0 > @fichalimpa de passeio em Ipanema
lista do Congresso em Foco de parlamentares em débito com a Justiça:
α       α       α

@estadao @nacional_estado @blogs_estadao  @economia_estado http://www.estadao.com.br/twitter/
folha @guiafolhaonline @folha_todamidia   @folha_zapping
@blogdonoblat @oglobo_online @rede_globo  @globo_rural
@reutersbr @bbcbrasil @veja @correiodorasil @jornaldacbn @jornalodia @g1politica @adnews_com_br  @rev_brasileiros @UOLeconomia  @uol_noticias @diariamente
α   α   α

O MELHOR: “The CaipirEconomist” bem shackerado e tropicalizado by Mino:
@cartacapital >>Mino Carta (il Messaggero, Roma 1950s; Brasil: Veja no 1968, IstoE’ 1976, CC 1994)
last but…
SUPREMO @STF_oficial
P.S: The finish in Oldie, post postVictorian  Little Britain:

RT @reuters_co_uk: #FF #ge10 Reuters political correspondents: @reuters_tcastle on the road w Nick Clegg; @reutersmattf w Gordon Brown

The 2 together: http://live.reuters.com/Event/Politics_today

Still Cameron favourite, although he’s so dull!
Adverse selection reigns in all post-democracies…

Holy webcams

Eyes on the Prize
(Holy Webcams)

  • St. Peter’s Square (view from collonade)
  • St. Peter’s Square (view from across the street)
  • Tomb of Pope John Paul II
  • Adoration webcam
  • Lourdes Grotto webcam giving access to:
  • Webcam for the Rosary Basilica
    A new sequence is transmitted every 15 minutes
    10/04/2010 12:17
    Webcam on the Procession Esplanade
    A new sequence is transmitted every 15 minutes
    10/04/2010 12:26
    Webcam for the Crowned Statue
    A new sequence is transmitted every 15 minutes
    10/04/2010 12:22
  • for more on ALL religions: A MUST  and key to all religions today, incl. the atheist ones: follow @_HolySpirit_
  • source: http://romans8v29.blogspot.com/ –  the cathò blog of @nunblogger (Sister Anne)
  • on Poincaré and a 2006 Field medal refused!

    A phalse metropolitan legend says Mr Nobel didn’t introduce the Nobel in Maths, since the best mathematician at the epoch was his wife’s lover. Then comes Poincare’s conjecture proof, another legend

    Annals of Mathematics

    Manifold Destiny

    A legendary problem and the battle over who solved it.

    by Sylvia Nasar and David Gruber August 28, 2006

    On the evening of June 20th, several hundred physicists, including a Nobel laureate, assembled in an auditorium at the Friendship Hotel in Beijing for a lecture by the Chinese mathematician Shing-Tung Yau. In the late nineteen-seventies, when Yau was in his twenties, he had made a series of breakthroughs that helped launch the string-theory revolution in physics and earned him, in addition to a Fields Medal—the most coveted award in mathematics—a reputation in both disciplines as a thinker of unrivalled technical power.

    Yau had since become a professor of mathematics at Harvard and the director of mathematics institutes in Beijing and Hong Kong, dividing his time between the United States and China. His lecture at the Friendship Hotel was part of an international conference on string theory, which he had organized with the support of the Chinese government, in part to promote the country’s recent advances in theoretical physics.

    the Fields Medal, which is awarded every four years, to between two and four mathematicians, is supposed not only to reward past achievements but also to stimulate future research; for this reason, it is given only to mathematicians aged forty and younger. In recent decades, as the number of professional mathematicians has grown, the Fields Medal has become increasingly prestigious. Only forty-four medals have been awarded in nearly seventy years—including three for work closely related to the Poincaré conjecture—and no mathematician has ever refused the prize. Nevertheless, Perelman told Ball that he had no intention of accepting it. “I refuse,” he said simply.

    How Perelman summarizes the colloquium where he refused the Field, 1st ever to do it:
    “He proposed to me three alternatives: accept and come; accept and don’t come, and we will send you the medal later; third, I don’t accept the prize. From the very beginning, I told him I have chosen the third one.” The Fields Medal held no interest for him, Perelman explained. “It was completely irrelevant for me,” he said. “Everybody understood that if the proof is correct then no other recognition is needed.”

    di Gianni Mucè (dalla pag. facebook dell’artista): ARITMETICA GEOMETRICA