Enzitoriale, 8 dic. 2014. Per un Assolutismo illuminato

In morte della democrazia.

Per un AI, Assolutismo Illuminato

Podemos, volemos farci infinocchiare dall’ultimo populista ignorante e furbastro che passa per la via? Eh no, eh!

unclesamEssendo i liberismi, e soprattutto, miserabilmente, nell’ignominia i socialismi falliti ambedue (ovvio: eran gemelli monozigoti) in modo clamoroso. DEFINITIVO!

E non emergendo ancora sostanziali novità nel mercato politico (in quello delle idee e della ricerca si, eccome!), fioriscono i populismi più sciatti ed a contenuto 0. L’aveva detto SUBITO il più grande storico vivente, Wallerstein nel 2008: siamo in una nuova Grande Depressione  e si confronteranno di nuovo 2 famiglie di progetti politici per il consenso (come i Keynesismi Mussoliniani versus Roosveltiani tra le 2 guerre),

> i post-socialisti

> ed i neo – populisti.

E’ proprio così, se includiamo i fascismi (specie quello Jihadista, con una platea di 1 miliardo di stronzi) nei post-socialisti.

Ed escludiamo come irrilevanti i decotti liberismi (che la leggenda della Intelligentsia Stalin-Togliattiana EGEMONE nell’Accademia  globale, vorrebbe essere specularmente egemoni: ma il NEO-LIBBERISMO conta meno del 2 di cope con briscola a spade. L’Accademia KGB-PostStaliniana invece è inamovibile e controlla ovunque tutto nella produzione cul-turale. Non le sfugge nemmeno un posto di ricercatore a Jus, univr).

Il socialismo è morto già 3 volte: nella economia di cartone ben analizzata dagli studi comparati (e ricordo pure uno splendido libretto della compagna operaista Rita Di Leo), a Bad Godesberg (ove lo ha rigettato suo Padre stesso, il PSD tedesco che s’era inventato un Marx dal nulla) ed a Berlino – novembre 1989. Ma troppi sono gli intrecci e le irreversibilità che i post-socialisti hanno stretto con lo Stato Nazione in declino definitivo (Martin van Creveld 1989, The Rise and Decline of the State. Cambridge UP) ed il 66% della popolazione assistita. E’ DeadMovementWalking per qualche decennio ancora, poi basta socialismi, se Iddio vuole.

Evidentemente la crisi ha ottuso, rincoglionito le menti, se la gente (e pure brava gente! Anche amici cari …) da credito a questi arrivisti, mentecatti e sciamani di sest’ordine. Come il tragicomico genovese sgonfiato da Renzi, la putiniana Le Pen, Podemos, Renzi – CavBis (il più moderato della lista populista quindi il più pericoloso: fosse per lui rifarebbe la DC senonchè non può: non ci son risorse, siamo nell’era dei Trente Merdeuses e non c’è trippa per i gatti in siesta degli Stati Sociali), la puttana Salvini, Tsipras e UKIP.

La causa ultima di questa deriva populista?

E’ fallita\finita l’educazione, motore stesso del Moderno: la macchina a vapore che ha sollevato le menti.

Quindi la democrazia non esiste proprio più. Non è che sia in crisi: un c’è. Niente nostalgie: non c’è tempo da perdere! I populismi postmoderni, in collaborazione\conflitto e SIMBIOSI con merde secche del millennio passato:

– come il Cristianesimo Costantiniano (mi riferisco qui alla lezione di Simone Weil, specie quella della “Lettera ad un religioso” e di “Enracinement”),  

– Islam e Jihad,

potrebbero gareggiare col peggio della mostruosa Modernità, sinora il peggio di preistoria e storia: i 100 milioni di vittime dei democidi comunisti (Stalin e Mao), la Shoà.

Occorre lavorare sodo, ricostruire élites per ripristinare regimi assolutisti illuminati, fondati stavolta sulla Scienza  – anziché su Libri Sacri buoni solo a pulirsi l’ano, se la carta è Fabriano.

Featured image

PS Intanto rileggiamo La Repubblica di Platone (che NON era comunista), Giacomo Leopardi e (appena ripubblicate da Fede & Cultura www.fedecultura.com, casa editrice veronese sanamente catto-reazionaria) Le serate di San Pietroburgo di Joseph de Maistre, ispiratore del sublime a-moderno Charles Baudelaire – io li ho sur le chevet. Con le Oeuvres scelte di Simone Weil, i diari di Etty Hillesum ecc.

flotilla: a torpedo, or harbour it?

From The  NYRBooks

Jim Hollander/epa/Corbis

The writer David Grossman, right, protesting with Palestinians and Israelis against the eviction of Palestinian families from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, April 9, 2010. From Peter Beinart’s essay “The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment” in The NYRB, May 12, 2010



Egypt has largely sealed its border with Gaza since Hamas took power in the area three years ago, making it an important partner for Israel in keeping tight control over the flow of goods into the territory.

Named the Freedom Flotilla, and led by the pro-Palestinian Free Gaza Movement (@freegazaorg) and a Turkish organization notorious for its Jihad inspiration, Insani Yardim Vakfi (or: IHH, lead  by Bulent Yildirim), the convoy of six cargo and passenger boats is PERHAPS the most ambitious attempt yet to break Israel’s three-year blockade of Gaza – in the dawn of May the 31st. For sure the most mediatised and PR effective.

It has clashed with IDF commandos, after refusal to change their destination harbour away from Gaza. 9 ppl were shot dead.

Now, the nyt has narrated how poor NGOs wanting to ship to Gaza since years, finally found the powerful and rich Turk IHH, capable to buy the Marmaris and easily finance all the Flotilla venture (from the usual Islam Charity-pro-Terror mechanism, and generous donations from the new Turkish bourgeoisie). It happens that IHH is an International of Terror:

This research by the Danish Institute for International Studies details the part played by the IHH in Islamist terror in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya. According to the French magistrate Jean-Louis Bruguiere testifying at the Seattle trial of would-be al Qaeda Millenium bomber Ahmed Ressamin, the IHH had played ‘[a]n important role’ in the al Qaeda Millenium bomb plot targeting Los Angeles airport. It was also involved in weapons trafficking, and played in addition a key role in galvanizing anti-Western sentiment among Turkish Muslims in the lead-up to the 2003 war in Iraq.”  (by Noah  David Simon, June 4; aka @CriticalAnalyst)


J Street. The “anti-Lobby” or beyond  Lobby, Obamian American Jews silent majority says:

J Street’s Position:
We call for
•. Lifting the unproductive blockade of humanitarian and construction materials into Gaza while supporting serious, effective security measures to prevent weapons and other terrorist supplies from entering.
•. The immediate release by Hamas of Corporal Gilad Shalit [ndr: in captivity 1141 days up to June 5, 2010] and Hamas’ renunciation of violence as a means of achieving the political goal of Palestinian freedom and independence.
•. An immediate, serious and dramatic effort, led by President Obama, to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and achieve a two-state solution now.
•. An outpouring of support from the American Jewish community and all those who care about preserving a Jewish, democratic, and safe Israel for immediate movement on the part of the state of Israel toward a diplomatic two-state resolution.
•. The leaders of all sides – Arabs, Palestinians and Israelis – to begin an honest conversation with their people about how this conflict will end and the compromises and sacrifices that will be necessary to avoid further generations of violence, bloodshed and terror.
Finally, we echo President Obama’s call for a two-state solution in Cairo one year ago this week:
“Too many tears have been shed. Too much blood has been shed. All of us have a responsibility to work for the day when the mothers of Israelis and Palestinians can see their children grow up without fear; when the Holy Land of the three great faiths is the place of peace that God intended it to be; when Jerusalem is a secure and lasting home for Jews and Christians and Muslims, and a place for all of the children of Abraham to mingle peacefully together as in the story of Isra, when Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, peace be upon them, joined in prayer.”


The queen of Jordania says: @QueenRaina #FreedomFlotilla
Fact 1: HEALTH–95% of Gaza’s water fails WHO standards leaving thousands of newborns at risk of poisoning. PLZ RT!
Fact 2: EDUCATION–1/3 of schools were destroyed during attack on Gaza in ’09; they still haven’t been rebuilt. PLZ RT!
Fact 3: POVERTY – 80% of people in Gaza live below the poverty line; 95% of private businesses have closed. PLZ RT!
Fact 4: NOURISHMENT – Two thirds of Gazans don’t know where their next meal’s coming from. PLZ RT!
A cut from her Twitter background:


The following passengers on board the Mavi Marmara are known to be involved in terrorist activity. The Mavi Marmara attempted to break the maritime closure on the Gaza Strip on Monday, May 31st 2010, and was boarded by Israel Navy forces.

Fatimah Mahmadi (born 1979), is a United States resident of Iranian origin, and an active member of the organization “Viva Palestine”, she attempted to smuggle forbidden electronic components into the Gaza Strip.

Ken O’Keefe (Born 1969), an American and British citizen, is a radical anti-Israel activist and operative of the Hamas Terror organization. He attempted to enter the Gaza Strip in order to form and train a commando unit for the Palestinian terror organization.

Hassan Iynasi (born 1982), a Turkish citizen and activist  in a Turkish charity organization, is known of providing financial support to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terror organization.

Hussein Urosh, a Turkish citizen and activist in the IHH organization, was on his way to the Gaza Strip in order to assist in smuggling Al-Qaeda operatives via Turkey into the Strip.

Ahmad Umimon (born 1959), is a French citizen of Moroccan origin, and an operative of the Hamas Terrorist organization.

Some links
IN ITALIAN, from one of the  Alexander Langer fb groups:

Enzo Arcangeli. ALEX LANGER ci ha lasciato il 3 luglio 1995

Nella guerra mediatica su “Flotilla”, manifestazioni … ecco alcune fonti che mantengono la calma: tra i giornali anche (non solo) Guardian, Haaretz e Nyt. Gli ebrei US di http://twitter.com/NYJewishWee k e J Street (http://twitter.com/jstreetdotorg; http://www.jstreet.org/); più pro-Palestina le europee European Jews for a Just Peace (EJJP) e Jews For Justice For Palestinians (JFJFP). Schierate ma sempre femminili e simpatiche @QueenRayna e @Tzipi_Livni. Almeno dai tweeties, @Jew4Palestine non convince AFFATTO: manca il ruolo PREZIOSO schiacciandosi verso l’estremismo Jihad. Meglio firmarsi Socialists4Palestine o “PincoPallino” allora. ALEX E’ VIVO E LOTTA IN MEZZO A NOI, x fortuna. Mancano certamente fonti arabe o islamiche moderate in questa lista (per mia incompletezza): da aggiungere.

– brava gente che si mobilitò 1 anno fa nel boicottaggio a Nokia e Siemens pro-libertari Iraniani; ma al momento tace su Flotilla, dovendo – poveretti – leccarsi le ferite del tremendo effetto del soldato US “sleeper cell” che ha fatto una strage.

ANCORA IN ITALIANO. Il film consigliato, per l’argomento e lo spirito Langeriano di “SALTARE I MURI” (il titolo di una gran bella trasmissione di radio 3 su Alex, con MOLTE TESTIMONIANZE DIRETTE: andata in onda negli ultimi 2 weekend, con 4 emissioni dentro la serie “). Del film, si è parlato im breve

sabato 5 giugno alle 4.20 pm a PIAZZA VERDI, radio 3:

“Due i film che presenterà Marco Bacci: “Humpday” di Lynn Shelton e Il tempo che ci rimane di Elia Suleiman. “

Nel 2°, un Buster Keaton palestinese. Film di grandissimo impegno che:

– rompe le ctg., i muri israele\palestina, impegno civile\disimpegno;

– veicola il messaggio: qui non siamo nei Balcani, niente vendetta per generazioni e generazioni; c’è una grandissima civilizzazione, il dolore per gli effetti della guerra. Il padre del protagonista faceva la guerra agli ebrei vestito da dandy. Memoria di 40 anni di una famiaglia araba colta e  riccca.

Finally, some real fun with the satirical twitters:@FakeIsraelMFA @IsraelGlobalPR @HamasGlobalPR. And every day new ones in the “X”globalPR telenovela: @iranglobalpr @talibanglobalpr .
E.g., amongst many tweeties tonight, 5 June:

As we did not wish to hurt anyone, we sent the Israel Ballet to board and commandeer the Rachel Corrie to Ashdod. #Flotilla
@FakeIsraelMFA: we sent the Israel Ballet 2 board & commandeer the Rachel Corrie. #Flotilla \is this the boarding video? http://bit.ly/b1PkLn


Israel wishes to thank Ireland and the Freedom Flotilla for the continued supply of construction materials for Israeli settlements


1) Sadness and Islamism in a pro-Palestina demo (the so-called Viola People, born in the no-B day late last year, championed them in Italy).

2) The 2 Flotilla bosses, potential giver and receiver, S&D; Gaza leader Ismail Haniyeh and Bülent Yildirim, the president of IHH, in January.

Sri Lanka cricket team: who’s the terrorist?

LAHORE (Pak.) – The worst attack to a sport team, perhaps, after the Munich tragedy  and the slow, long but inexorable –  and inevitable vendetta by Golda Meir that followed.

Today, we have no time to inquiry on our own, on the different Security and related quality Academic intelligentsia sources we know on the web: but we’llo do it with calm, also recapitulating Mumbai (a too much similar story?), now that everything  is clear on that awful attack to one of the most beautiful and livable world cities (with its favelas of course, no Paradise: as the Oscar winning film has made public  knowledge).

We refer, therefore, to this reasonable guess among many: CNN expert Andrew Carey concludes the earlier of these two  posts with 2 “in-house”, i.e. , intra-Paki guesses: either TeT (Tehrik-e-Taleban), or the same LeT (Lashkani-e-Taiba) that assaulted Mumbai; by arguing  the pros and  cons of all the main hypotheses on the table. Worth reading.

PARENTHESIS: CRICKET versus (European) FOOTBALL. Let us just remember, for the non India expert, that CRICKET makes part of the 5 basic things constituting National Identity in the S. Asian Continent. Much deeper than, and so differently from “calcio”, football in Italy: here in my own country (nothing to be proud of), such an ephemere, pervert, racist, inherently violent  and vulgar  passion;  almost always mixed with alcoholism, barbarianism and  localism – i.e., the body artificially separated from the soul, the EXACT OPPOSITE of anything decent, incl. national identity among many other things of the body-and-soul and woth living for. IF THERE IS ANY sincere National Identity in Italy; I do NOT think so. When there was one, it was CYCLING part of it: unforgettable moment of it, Summer  1948. Prime minister Alcide de gasperi calling on the phone (TRUE!) Gino Bartali, and the sincerely cathò  Gino (versus the  “laico” labelled, fabulous Fausto) literally putting the 5th  gear on,  WINNING THE TOUR DE FRANCE !!! (on De Gaperi’s demand), in order to save the beloved Patria from a soviet insurrection already on the road (Togliatti shot, but not dead; his alter Ego, Pietro Secchia ready to go for a suicidal and democidal insurrection, like in Greece before; Togliatti, more Stalinist than Stalin himself: in bed, incapable of stopping the revolt “on his name”. GINO HA FATTO L’IMPRESA, and that was sublime Nation Building, that someone took care to  unbuild thereafter, unluckily for us). At that time, Italy was united by its division on Fausto\Gino lines: the highest point of  bottom-up, spontaneous national unity in history. At the Giro, this year, it’ll be Ivan\Damiano, if Damiano will have legs to stay with Ivan (even in such a case, DAMIANO has not been at the wind gallery, so he’s likely out at the 5 Terre stage). Ivan, a born strategist,  found a good low profile argument: the favourite is Lance (now 233,269 Twitter followers: a real industry, bigger than GM in a little while).


March 5, 2009
Posted: 203 GMT

LONDON, England — Wednesday saw no dramatic developments in the investigation but instead witnessed a steady drip of reports and information about what happened and how.

Up to twenty people were arrested but none of the gunmen responsible for the attack were apparently among them.

Many have commented on the apparent ease with which the gunmen melted away into the city after the attack, and suggested this points to them receiving assistance from rogue elements within the military or the intelligence structure. While there may or may not have been collaboration of this kind, it’s a mistake to make this assumption on this piece of evidence alone.  MORE

(…) This possible scenario, of course, provides further similarities with the Mumbai attack three months ago.

CNN- 2

March 3, 2009
Posted: 1957 GMT

LONDON, England — It’s just hours since the attack in Lahore but on one thing most observers seem clear. The real target of the attack was not the Sri Lankan cricket team, but the Pakistani government. Terror operations like this are aimed at creating maximum international impact, and sport finds itself increasingly in the crosshairs of global terrorism. No sport is more popular in Pakistan than cricket.

A video grab shows a suspected gunman near Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore, Pakistan, Tuesday.

A video grab shows a suspected gunman near Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore, Pakistan, Tuesday.

The only reason Sri Lanka were touring Pakistan at all was because the Indian team had pulled out of its planned tour, citing security reasons. After receiving assurances over the team’s safety, Sri Lanka stepped in at the last minute. It will surely be the last team to visit the country for the foreseeable future.

That means a loss of prestige and income for Pakistani cricket, and further reinforcement overseas of the idea that Pakistan is not a safe place to visit or to do business. That’s just the sort of outcome the attackers will have wanted, and just what the Pakistani government is so desperate to avoid.

The operation certainly appears to have been very well planned, if not, perhaps, entirely well executed, if reports about some of the attackers’ weapons failing turn out to be correct. (…)

Whoever carried out the attack, it certainly represents the most significant challenge to date from within Pakistan to the survival of the civilian government of President Asif Ali Zardari.

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