erika vilunaite

Ho trovato tra le foto della mia amica ciclista Erika Vilunaite (lei appare qui nel poster), su Facebook, una composizione cosi bella, ma cosi perfetta ed elegantissima, che merita un Post tutto per lei. Ciao, Erika!


Foto del giorno

quello in cui c’è un Muro (sino al 21% …) da scalare alla Tirreno\Adriatico. Hic Rhodus, hic salta. Hic Muro Montelupone, hic sali Mulo. DEDICATA AL CICLISTA PIU’ CHIC.

FORZA IVAN! Oggi non è che devi proprio vincere, conosciamo bene il tuo cronogramma verso una MERAVIGLIOSA CORSA ROSA (oggi -56  giorni). Ma dacci solo un altro segno, e la nostra energia sciamanica collettiva ti risponderà al’istante.

record del mondo

abbiate fede in Fede, la delfina mestrina –

La Guadeloupe ne leurt appartient pas

March  6 – posted 15:49 GMT

BREAKING NEWS _ Agreement signed by LKP and counterparts in the night of  Wednesday,  March the 4th:  LKP, that is the new bottom-up organisation of the entire people of Guadeloupe, HAS WON.

If you can read French, do not miss this UNIQUE CHANCE to get in touch with a unique political phenomenon, in our gloomy days,  of


Here is the transcription of the spontaneous assembly of many ten thousands people, at the harbour of Port-au-Prince, the first morning after 44 days of strike, celebrating the Victory – certainly not the demise of such an extraordinary, peaceful phenomenon of aggregation of the “multitudes”

Source / auteur :

Interventions du LKP après la signature du protocole d’accord

jeudi 5 mars 2009, par Ludo

A quotation


En l’absence du président FLURO José, je vous exprime la joie que j’éprouve à vous voir aussi nombreux.

Depuis plus d’un mois notre sommeil est mis à mal, mais nous savons que vous nous soutenez.

A compter de maintenant, vous devez vous faire respecter de tout le monde. Peu importe leur origine, leur provenance. Nous n’avons pas le droit de craindre quiconque. Nous sommes forts ; nous sommes mentalement forts

Et aucune chaine ne pourrait nous empêcher d’être libres !

10 – CFTC : M. PETER

44 jours de grève ! Si la grève avait duré encore 5 jours, nous en serions à 49. Soit un jour par organisation ! [Le LKP en compte 49]

C’est peut-être là qu’ils venaient nous mener. Mais nous leur avons prouvé que nous étions plus forts qu’eux en concluant au 44eme jour. Chiffre magnifique et symbolique !

ITALIAN ABSTRACT. Ne hanno parlato i bravissimi Luca Sofri e Matteo Bordone a Condor, radio2 – rompendo una quasi congiura del silenzio.

C’è tutto un mondo intorno: Guadalupa. I Dipartimenti d’Oltremare sono in rivolta, il risentimento nei confronti del Governo francese si è acuito con la crisi economica e in Guadalupa lo sciopero continua ormai da più di un mese.

Certo: dal 1° febbraio.

Témoignage de Sadi Sainton, étudiant à l’Université Antilles-Guyane en Guadeloupe

Je reçois de la parte de Franois Chesnais, cette importante TEMOIGNAGE DIRECTE DE LA GUADELOUPE. A DOCUMENT STRAIGHT FROM GUADELOUPE: February 27, from the site Hactiviste News,



une grève générale contre les profits abusifs (de grâce, cessez de parler de grève contre la vie chère car il ne s’agit pas tout à fait de cela)


P.S. : J’ai commencé ce mail hier. Aujourd’hui, la situation a un peu évolué. La répression policière et militaire est désormais en marche.
Le mouvement a une dimension internationale. Hier, c’est le révérend Jessy Jackson en personne qui a envoyé son soutien au peuple de Guadeloupe et au LKP. Les organisations syndicales du monde entier (je n’exagère pas) rentrent en contact avec le LKP pour leur demander comment ils arrivent à mobiliser 100 000 personnes, sans un débordement (c’est le service d’ordre du LKP qui organise la sécurité générale).

Sadi  underlines the 100% peaceful character of the movement, to whom Sarkozi is not answering peacefully (by discussing the LKP revendications. LKP is the alliance contre l’exploitation outrancière – against the French exploitation of the island), but sending thousands and thousands of CRS (sort of carabinieri).

Sadi personally believes that it is a pity that such a beautiful movement is blocked  in a stall, upon the demand of plus €200 on low salaries, that the patronat refuses, but LKP is not smoothing. Perhaps this is also his view of a student, more sensible to the creative aspects of this wake up of an entire society, while for other people minimum wages are more a concern.

INITIAL POST, 1 week ago:

Our friendly site of Carré Rouge, Paris, has discovered a hidden anti-crisis movement, on which even in France the media are not talking that much. For evident pandemic reasons: from China’s Communism to Obama’s paternalism, no one in power fears anything else more, than a little signal of political autonomy from the oppressed multitudes. In front of their demonstrated incapacity to deal with the world recession, even having just to deal with intra-capitalist contradictions, panic would move quick from the markets to their political back-offices, if something had  to happen on the social scene, after the usual juvenile Greek rebellion.

Something is now happening in East Europe (the European Subcrime scene), but the social unrest and political protest is just nothing, compared to the catastrophe which is advancing and enrolling there, It will VERY SOON oblige to nationalise UniCredit, Swedish banks, and   lead Austria to default (see last week euro_exposure_to_cee_230209 Dansk bank impact study, put into a graph by the Financial Times). Bruxelles had a chance to try to stop the insolvency avalanche in the 10 non-€ countries, before it goes unstoppable. But yesterday Angela Merkel (as we were betting) said  no, slamming the door in the face not only of E. European governments and people; but also: of the entire Eurpean credit industry, and of the World Bank already engaged for a CEE (C-E Europe) bailout. This is the anti-people Europe the oligarchies created by & for themselves, and now they pay the Nemesis price for it: they should  also pay a few  jacqueries and  rebellions, here and there.

FAQ: Who will pay for UniCredit nationalisation  in the next few months, or even weeks?  I’d say: Angela Merkel! For the joy of Giulio Tremonti …

But this one, is more than a tiny sign of autonomy, after ONE MONTH OF STRIKE:

Guadeloupe : texte de l’alliance contre l’exploitation outrancière :

16 février
Traduction de l’introduction et de la conclusion magnifiques du texte du collectif et le texte lui-même :

Nous voici ! Nous guadeloupéens
Nous sommes ensemble rassemblés dans un bel élan de conscience avec de l’engagement et de la détermination pour libérer la Guadeloupe.
Nous voici, nous l’alliance contre l’exploitation outrancière, l’alliance est une organisation, une alliance de jeunes, une alliance de femmes, d’hommes arrivés à maturité, de notables alliés à des ouvriers qui avancent pour construire une société neuve qui sera capable de développer l’éducation, la connaissance, la santé, le logement, le travail et le respect pour ses enfants en conservant ses traditions.
Nous voici…nous avons quelques idées que nous pensons bonnes pour nous, qui donne à la Guadeloupe une direction…toute sa dimension, parce que ce sont des idées neuves, des mots de souffrance, ce sont nos paroles.
C’est déjà une victoire pour nous d’être rassemblés pour aller plus loin
Que voulons nous… lire le texte
Pour finir

Donnons nous la main pour lui donner un sens et du pouvoir. Ensemble, ensemble nous gagnerons toutes nos revendications et donnerons un taquet aux profiteurs. Nous ne construirons pas une société neuve si nous restons sous la domination et l’exploitation capitaliste et colonialiste. La Guadeloupe nous appartient, la Guadeloupe ne leur appartient pas, il ne ferons pas ce qu’ils veulent de notre pays.

Carré Rouge explains the context:

L’inquiétude des salariés face à la crise grandit de jour en jour, de même que les difficultés et les privations dont souffrent les plus vulnérables. La colère aussi s’accroît face à l’immensité des sommes levées par l’endettement pour financer le sauvetage des institutions financières, celles-là mêmes qui ont créé les conditions de la crise financière, ou encore pour sauver la mise à des états-majeurs industriels mus par le profit des actionnaires et leurs propres stock-options. Comment organiser les salariés et les exploités et dominés, et ainsi les aider à trouver une issue politique ?

Les travailleurs de la ville et des campagnes, la jeunesse et tous les dominés et exploités de Guadeloupe ont donné leur réponse à ces questions avec la formation d’une entité originale, le LKP, L’alliance contre l’exploitation outrancière, où pas moins d’une cinquantaine de syndicats, d’associations et de groupements populaires se sont réunis, d’abord pour rédiger, au cours de réunions qui ont duré des semaines, un programme économique, social et politique très long et détaillé, puis pour lancer la grève générale et en maintenir à ce jour (16 février) l’unité. Ceux des élus locaux qui voulaient s’y joindre ont été les bienvenus, mais la pseudo « représentation démocratique » acquise à la conciliation de classe a été court-circuitée. Nous mettons le programme de la Guadeloupe sur le site de Carré rouge (le texte du LKP) On verra qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un simple catalogue de revendications, mais d’un texte sous-tendu par l’idée qu’il faut construire de tout nouveaux rapports sociaux, sortir du colonialisme rampant dont les positions de monopole sont l’une des expressions. Le texte Manifeste pour les « produits de haute nécessité » qui a commencé à circuler sur Internet en donne une expression politique d’une grande densité, proprement poétique. On le trouvera aussi sur le site de Carré rouge.

On a pu constater le désintérêt, d’abord, puis la frilosité de la « presse nationale ». Pour les patrons en France, dont les patrons de presse, il y a manifestement danger à ce que l’exemple soit connu et que les salariés en France puissent y puiser des idées. Les journalistes se plieraient-ils ? Quoi qu’il en soit, dans un autre texte que nous mettons sur le site, des journalistes de la Martinique interpellent leurs collègues en métropole.

En France métropolitaine, nous devons apprendre de la Guadeloupe. L’inquiétude et l’indignation ne suffisent pas. Ici aussi, une force sociale et politique indépendante des partis de gouvernement, mais aussi de syndicats intégrés à l’Etat, devra se constituer.

Sri Lanka cricket team: who’s the terrorist?

LAHORE (Pak.) – The worst attack to a sport team, perhaps, after the Munich tragedy  and the slow, long but inexorable –  and inevitable vendetta by Golda Meir that followed.

Today, we have no time to inquiry on our own, on the different Security and related quality Academic intelligentsia sources we know on the web: but we’llo do it with calm, also recapitulating Mumbai (a too much similar story?), now that everything  is clear on that awful attack to one of the most beautiful and livable world cities (with its favelas of course, no Paradise: as the Oscar winning film has made public  knowledge).

We refer, therefore, to this reasonable guess among many: CNN expert Andrew Carey concludes the earlier of these two  posts with 2 “in-house”, i.e. , intra-Paki guesses: either TeT (Tehrik-e-Taleban), or the same LeT (Lashkani-e-Taiba) that assaulted Mumbai; by arguing  the pros and  cons of all the main hypotheses on the table. Worth reading.

PARENTHESIS: CRICKET versus (European) FOOTBALL. Let us just remember, for the non India expert, that CRICKET makes part of the 5 basic things constituting National Identity in the S. Asian Continent. Much deeper than, and so differently from “calcio”, football in Italy: here in my own country (nothing to be proud of), such an ephemere, pervert, racist, inherently violent  and vulgar  passion;  almost always mixed with alcoholism, barbarianism and  localism – i.e., the body artificially separated from the soul, the EXACT OPPOSITE of anything decent, incl. national identity among many other things of the body-and-soul and woth living for. IF THERE IS ANY sincere National Identity in Italy; I do NOT think so. When there was one, it was CYCLING part of it: unforgettable moment of it, Summer  1948. Prime minister Alcide de gasperi calling on the phone (TRUE!) Gino Bartali, and the sincerely cathò  Gino (versus the  “laico” labelled, fabulous Fausto) literally putting the 5th  gear on,  WINNING THE TOUR DE FRANCE !!! (on De Gaperi’s demand), in order to save the beloved Patria from a soviet insurrection already on the road (Togliatti shot, but not dead; his alter Ego, Pietro Secchia ready to go for a suicidal and democidal insurrection, like in Greece before; Togliatti, more Stalinist than Stalin himself: in bed, incapable of stopping the revolt “on his name”. GINO HA FATTO L’IMPRESA, and that was sublime Nation Building, that someone took care to  unbuild thereafter, unluckily for us). At that time, Italy was united by its division on Fausto\Gino lines: the highest point of  bottom-up, spontaneous national unity in history. At the Giro, this year, it’ll be Ivan\Damiano, if Damiano will have legs to stay with Ivan (even in such a case, DAMIANO has not been at the wind gallery, so he’s likely out at the 5 Terre stage). Ivan, a born strategist,  found a good low profile argument: the favourite is Lance (now 233,269 Twitter followers: a real industry, bigger than GM in a little while).


March 5, 2009
Posted: 203 GMT

LONDON, England — Wednesday saw no dramatic developments in the investigation but instead witnessed a steady drip of reports and information about what happened and how.

Up to twenty people were arrested but none of the gunmen responsible for the attack were apparently among them.

Many have commented on the apparent ease with which the gunmen melted away into the city after the attack, and suggested this points to them receiving assistance from rogue elements within the military or the intelligence structure. While there may or may not have been collaboration of this kind, it’s a mistake to make this assumption on this piece of evidence alone.  MORE

(…) This possible scenario, of course, provides further similarities with the Mumbai attack three months ago.

CNN- 2

March 3, 2009
Posted: 1957 GMT

LONDON, England — It’s just hours since the attack in Lahore but on one thing most observers seem clear. The real target of the attack was not the Sri Lankan cricket team, but the Pakistani government. Terror operations like this are aimed at creating maximum international impact, and sport finds itself increasingly in the crosshairs of global terrorism. No sport is more popular in Pakistan than cricket.

A video grab shows a suspected gunman near Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore, Pakistan, Tuesday.

A video grab shows a suspected gunman near Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore, Pakistan, Tuesday.

The only reason Sri Lanka were touring Pakistan at all was because the Indian team had pulled out of its planned tour, citing security reasons. After receiving assurances over the team’s safety, Sri Lanka stepped in at the last minute. It will surely be the last team to visit the country for the foreseeable future.

That means a loss of prestige and income for Pakistani cricket, and further reinforcement overseas of the idea that Pakistan is not a safe place to visit or to do business. That’s just the sort of outcome the attackers will have wanted, and just what the Pakistani government is so desperate to avoid.

The operation certainly appears to have been very well planned, if not, perhaps, entirely well executed, if reports about some of the attackers’ weapons failing turn out to be correct. (…)

Whoever carried out the attack, it certainly represents the most significant challenge to date from within Pakistan to the survival of the civilian government of President Asif Ali Zardari.

Posted by: ,

Antartide. Non molliamo la Concordia e la Mario Zucchelli!

If you use Facebook, you can give a look, and eventually join theis  pro-basic research and science “Cause” I am coordinating.

In this drawing Giuseppe, aged 4, from the Pediatric Hospital “Bambin Gesù”, Rome, has just seen the CNR research group in Antarctica in a videoconference, and he expresses a spontaneous wish: “When I grow up, I want to do the same work as you”.



Facciamo in modo che Giuseppe (4 anni, generazione Post-Millennial),  caso mai non cambiasse idea, possa insistere nella sua Vocazione Scientifica. Ecco come ha reagito subito dopo  una videoconferenza tra il Bambin Gesù ed i nostri ricercatori della Base Concordia.

dalla mail di Cara Maria Carlevaris, Roma alla Base Concordia,  5 dicembre 2008

Fonte, il simpaticissimo blog di Concordia Base

Appello alla concordia su Concordia

ACCORATO APPELLO AI MIN. Gelmini e Tremonti: manteniamo viva la ricerca di base CNR in Antartide, dopo 25 anni ininterrotti – non abbandoniamo la Stazione Mario Zucchelli, e la  base Concordia  (com’è oggi costretto a programmare  il CNR, per i tagli al budget ed ai progetti?  Così dice il TG2 Dossier del 28 febbraio), con tutti nostri investimenti, osservatori (il carotaggio di 3,5 km del ghiacciaio per ricostruire la storia climatica in 1 milone d’anni: una CONOSCENZA VITALE per la biosfera, e le politiche di adattamento\moderazione dei cambiamenti climatici estremi) e le ricerche avviate, solo ai cugini francesi che hano dietro uno Stato degno di questo nome.
Uscirà a giorni il resoconto (emissione del 28 febbraio) su


– La Mario Zucchelli Station, solo italiana ed ininterrotta dal 1986 !!! Ma vogliamo scherzare, chiuderla o anche solo ridimensionarla?


Si occupa (secondo en-wiki, tabella di: Oceanobiology, Oceanography, Geology, Geomorphology, Glaciology, Meteorology, Climatology, Seismology, Magnetism and Ecology.

– La base Concordia, che (SECONDO IL TG2 DOSSIER DI STASERA)  lasciamo ai cugini francesi con cui cooperavamo: è davvero uno dei blog più carini che ci siano in rete (infatti lo abbiamo subito linked nel nostro blogroll IPER-SELETTIVO, e non solo in questo blog); fa anche divulgazione scientifica di qualità, stile social media: si capisce cosa fanno (cosa rara) in modo light, personale  e  piacevole;  la discussione sul telescopio fa capire come funziona la cooperazione dentro il CNR: bene (praticamente usando la mail, in parte riportata nel blog, come una Intranet)

– il ghiaccaio spesso 3-4 km. è più o meno un deserto: Laura Genoni, CNR, guida INFATTI una carovana di cammelli in Antartide, il 2 dic. 2008, in piena, torrida estate australe!!! (non più 70-80, solo 30 sotto zero):


– un meraviglioso ARC-EN-CIEL CIRCOLARE attorno alla base, dove a momenti si parlerà solo francese? La vendetta di Vercingetorix sulle malefatte di Julius Caesar? Asterix vieni in nostro soccorso con la pozione …

– tramonto mozzafiato dalla Concordia
